{rain rain go away}

so we had a great plan of going to a beautiful nature center today and of course β€” it rains and rains and rains…..and rains some more πŸ™ bummer!!! however, we did get some great pictures of baby hope who is 3 months old and her mom and dad. what a photogenic family! πŸ™‚ they are all so cute and hope was a trooper (as was dad :P) we are meeting up this week for Part II of this session in hopes the weather clears up for some beautiful fall pictures! πŸ™‚ here is a small sneak peek β€” i will get a few more up when i get back on sunday! πŸ™‚

seriously β€” can this picture be any cuter!!!!

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Polka Dot Umbrella

specializes in newborn, children, and family photography.

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