{Little man Nevin}

What a beautiful fall day for pictures. We have been fighting the yucky cold weather the past couple of weeks and finally the sun was shining and the temperature was over 50 degrees! 🙂 Finally! I met up with a friend from high school and her handsome little man Nevin. He just turned 2 and is quite the character. Nevin is one boy who is on the move — loving dirt, rocks and just plain running! We had a great time catching up and capturing some great moments on camera 🙂 He is definitely a cute one…here is a sneak peek! 🙂





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{meb and mtb}

I went to visit my sister in Madison this weekend. The boys went to the game and my sister and I (and children) did some lounging at their house 🙂 It was nice to just relax and play a few rounds of Scrabble and watch the crazy kids play with many different toys. 🙂 We then attempted to take some family photos….we weren’t quite thinking. We didn’t pick a great happy time for all but I managed a few cute ones 🙂 Enjoy!

The start of the photo shoot…on the chair…nope…no smiles! 😛
{no curling iron required}

But we always have Mathew..he is a jolly sort…love him! 😛

{mr. m}

Love her curls…I want to steal them!

{ms. meb}

{mr. m}

I think they are related…and oh soooo cute 😛


Polka Dot Umbrella

specializes in newborn, children, and family photography.

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